Project Type: Residential — Pipe Restoration

Location: San Antonio, TX

Description: A San Antonio vintage homeowner with state-of-the-art galvanized piping for its day, was in desperate need of pipe restoration. The homeowner’s drinking water showed high iron content and measurable levels of lead. After the ACE DuraFlo® pipe restoration process was completed; a water sample was rushed to the lab for another analysis. There was no iron content and the lead had been reduced to below measurable levels.


A San Antonio vintage homeowner with state-of-the-art galvanized piping for its day, was in desperate need of pipe restoration. Low water flow, floating debris in water glasses, and brown water led the homeowner to contract with an ACE DuraFlo affiliate to restore the home’s water system by using the ePIPE epoxy coating technology. Water samples were taken to the San Antonio Metro Health District Laboratory for analysis prior to beginning the ACE DuraFlo process. The homeowner’s drinking water showed high iron content and measurable levels of lead.


After ACE DuraFlo’s patented ePIPE pipe restoration process was completed; a water sample was rushed to the lab for another analysis. There was no iron content and the lead had been reduced to below measurable levels. Just as clean veins and arteries are essential to a healthy human piping system, the ePIPE system of pipe restoration is essential to the health of your home’s piping system. The homeowner and his family now enjoy the clean and healthy taste of water from their faucets.

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