Leak detection demands a combination of investigative plumbing experience and technology. TDT Plumbing has served the leak detection and repair needs of Pasadena residential and commercial property owners for over 30 years.

Investigative Plumbing saves you time and money

Pooling water is an obvious sign of a plumbing leak. However, water seldom appears at the source of the leak; it can travel down a pipe’s exterior, or under your slab, ultimately showing up far from the original leak.That’s where TDT Plumbing’s experience saves you time and money.

TDT Plumbing offers leak detection from expert plumbers and efficient repair for pipes causing the problem. Whether your specific leak is best addressed using TDT’s ePIPE pipe restoration, or Cured In-Place Pipe repair, you can depend on TDT Plumbing to get the job done on time and on budget.

Factors contributing to pipe failure and leaks:

  • pH of water
  • Chemical composition
  • Delivery pressure
  • Water temperature
  • Pipe material

TDT Plumbing utilizes specialized leak detection equipment for homes and businesses, including video leak detection. That’s because some leaks are not easily visible, as they are located behind walls or under floors.

Pasadena Investigative Plumbing

Our analytical approach helps determine which pipe location, leak isolation, and leak detection test is right for your specific job. TDT Plumbing investigative plumbing tests vary from a pneumatic test ball, a visual test, a leakage test, a low-pressure air test, infiltration or exfiltration test, or a pipe deflection test.

If you can’t locate the source of the problem, call TDT Plumbing, a Houston plumber built on decades of investigative plumbing and leak detection experience.

Schedule TDT’s Pasadena Investigative Plumbing Now

Call (713) 697-2088 now. Or, fill this out and A TDT Investigative Plumbing specialist will follow up to learn more about how we can help you.