Project Type: Commercial & Industrial — Condominiums – Pipe Restoration — Epoxy Coated
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Description: The Village Green resident owners complained of on-going failures of the piping system including low flow, brown water, bad tasting water, pinhole leaks and pipe bursts. After initially beginning with an intrusive 8 week re-pipe repair, TDT was hired and completed a e-pipe restoration in 5 days.
The Village Green, a National Historic Landmark, was built in the 1940’s and is comprised of some 94 building clusters containing 631 units. By 2001, the residents association realized that they had to do something to repair or replace the original galvanized piping system that serviced the entire project. Resident owner complaints, of the on-going failures, of the piping system included low flow, brown water, bad tasting water, pinhole leaks and pipe bursts.
Initially, the decision was made to re-pipe the entire project, a few buildings at a time. Re-piping of the first 8 units building started. After 8 weeks, with no water, having to be relocated, and having their homes and life disrupted, the resident owners and the project managers realize that re-piping was not the best alternative.
They decided to give the ACE DuraFlo® system a try. What took 8 weeks to complete as a re-pipe was completed in 5 days with ACE DuraFlo®. Residents did not have to be relocated during the process; the piping system was restored to full functional use. Low flow came back as full flow, brown water was now clean, and some residents reported the water even tasted better Edna Ridgely, General Manager, The Village Green Owner Association said, “I am pleased to tell you that we are very happy to have ACE
DuraFlo® restore our pipes. Residents are happy with the results, the water flow is back to normal, residents did not have to leave their units for the few days it took for the process and your staff is very professional and helpful to the office staff and residents. I look forward to completing all of the buildings and I will be happy to recommend this fine process and your company.