Houston Water Conservation

Nearly half the country is experiencing moderate to exceptional drought conditions, and it’s expected these conditions will continue to expand.

Safe Drinking Water for Schools and Childcare Facilities

Safe drinking water is at the top of our government’s list for health and safety, especially for our children. The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) mission is to protect human health and the environment. The EPA ensures that federal laws that protect human health and the environment are administered and enforced fairly and effectively.… Read more about Safe Drinking Water for Schools and Childcare Facilities

Houston Texas Pipe Freeze – ePIPE Stands Strong Against Damage and Pipe-Borne Impurities

To say that the Houston Texas pipe freeze was unexpected and unprecedented would be an understatement. The experience was nothing short of a nightmare for many families. Frozen pipes, along with loss of power and heat, was how the ordeal began. The situation got worse as the temperature increased. Next were broken pipes, leaks, flooded… Read more about Houston Texas Pipe Freeze – ePIPE Stands Strong Against Damage and Pipe-Borne Impurities